I’ve changed the main Alarm support email address.
You can now receive support by sending a message to: russell (AT) russellpatterson.com
I’ve decided that in order to have a more consistent experience for those who would like to add a link to the Alarm installer on their website, I will have a permanent location for the latest version of Alarm. This location will always be available as long as this site is online so that download links will not be broken and people are guaranteed to get the absolute latest version of Alarm when they download it.
The address is: http://russellpatterson.com/alarm/alarm-latest.exe
Please use this address whenever you link to the installer.
The update process for 3.1.7-3.5.7 has been changed slightly so that I no longer have to support the older update service. Basically, users of those versions will be told that there is a new version available without actually saying what that version is. Once they download the installer, they will be able to see what they are installing before they actually agree to installing it. This makes it easier to make sure those with older versions of Alarm are presented with the absolute latest updates.
That’s about it. Thanks for your continued support.